Author: Matthias Orgler

Houses that Rent Themselves

The housing market in many countries today has a serious flaw. We saw that flaw backfire already with the big housing (and following financial) crisis. The flaw: houses serve two purposes, that are partly incompatible today. First, houses serve as a home for people to live in or offices and stores for people to do business in. Second, houses serve as a store for value and an investment. Today these two purposes work against each other, as higher revenues demand raising rents or letting houses stand empty. This problematic situation cries for a solution – and it will be...

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Most Analysts Do Not Get What Tesla is Up to

In recent weeks I read a lot of financial analysts commenting on the overhyped price of the Tesla stock. They may be right that the stock is ripe for a correction, but they’re wrong if they announce it will collapse… Why do analysts predict the collapse? First let’s look at the reasoning of these analysts. They mostly look at car sales and compare them to traditional car companies like Ford, Daimler or BMW. They state correct facts like that BMW sells orders of magnitude more cars than Tesla, yet has less market value than Tesla. Let alone that BMW...

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The Impact of Self-Driving Cars

The trend towards self-driving cars is no secret anymore. But the impact this will have on other industries is vastly underestimated by companies today! Depending on who you’re talking to, fully autonomous (self-driving) cars will be the majority of cars on the road in 5-15 years. It is very likely, that by 2025 or 2030 at the latest, human driving will be forbidden, because it is too dangerous. But what does all that mean for the world around us? Will only the car industry change or will autonomous cars have an effect on other industries as well? Let’s look...

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New Urbanity and the End of Malls

Dan Bell’s videos are a testament to a change in the retail market around the world. While European cities still have lively urban centers with small cafés and boutique shops, many cities in other parts of the world (all and foremost the US) don’t have such a long history of town centers stemming from the Middle Ages. Even in Europe a lot of malls sprouted after WW II. For more than half a century, malls seemed to be the pinnacle of retail business. And they worked for several decades. But today, more and more malls are abandoned or don’t...

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Moving Off the Grid

A growing trend is to move off the grid. Markets once owned by large corporations slowly begin to dwindle. Disconnecting from centralized structures is a trend for companies and households as well. The biggest impact of this movement will be the energy market. With production prices for small to medium power generation facilities coming down, it makes economic sense for companies and households to produce their own power. Be it solar panels on the roof, a private wind turbine or a shared biogas facility. The energy corporations of today need to adapt to this change. They can’t rely on offering power, which...

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